Cause IQ vendor profile

Cu Answers

Cu Answers is a company that provides IT and computer services to nonprofit customers. They primarily provide their products regionally, with most customers in Michigan (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Cu Answers customers are credit unions with revenues ranging from $5.4 million to $21 million.

Primary location:
Grand Rapids, MI
All locations:
Identified customers:
Avg customer size:
$18 mil revenue
Median customer size:
$8.0 mil revenue

Cu Answers customer list

1Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union501(c)(14)Greensboro, NC
2Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan - 58 Honor Credit Union501(c)(14)Berrien Springs, MI
3Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan - 1038 Frankenmuth Credit Union501(c)(14)Frankenmuth, MI
4Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan - 1201 Kellogg Community Credit Union501(c)(14)Battle Creek, MI
51307 Day Air Credit Union501(c)(14)Kettering, OH
6Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan - 311 Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union (AAACU)501(c)(14)Alpena, MI
7Credit Unions Chartered in the State of Michigan - 508 TBA Credit Union501(c)(14)Traverse City, MI
8Myusa Credit Union501(c)(14)Middletown, OH
9Preferred Credit Union501(c)(14)Grand Rapids, MI
10Kalamazoo South East Employees Credit Union501(c)(14)Kalamazoo, MI
...and 52 more Cu Answers not-for-profit tax-exempt customers identified by Cause IQ

Cu Answers competitors

Competitors to Cu Answers in the nonprofit sector include American Express, Nextgen Healthcare, Veracross LLC, Protech Associates Inc, Personify Inc, Life Care Services LLC, Elevate LLC, Benesys Inc, Eclinicalworks LLC, and Innovative Software Solutions.

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