Elliott Davis Decosimo LLCPLLC is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in South Carolina, Tennessee, and North Carolina (although they are present in other states as well).
Most Elliott Davis Decosimo LLCPLLC clients are professional associations, elementary and secondary schools, civic and social organizations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $150,296 to $14 million.
Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Elliott Davis LLCPLLC.
Name | Type | Location | |||
1 | Harvest Hope Food Bank | 501(c)(3) | Columbia, SC | ||
2 | Charlotte Country Day School (CCDS) | 501(c)(3) | Charlotte, NC | ||
3 | Community Foundation of Greater Memphis | 501(c)(3) | Memphis, TN | ||
4 | University Health | 501(c)(3) | Augusta, GA | ||
5 | Huntsville Rehabilitation Foundation | 501(c)(3) | Huntsville, AL | ||
6 | Palmetto Goodwill | 501(c)(3) | North Charleston, SC | ||
7 | Coastal Community Foundation | 501(c)(3) | N Charleston, SC | ||
8 | South Carolina Student Loan Corporation (SCSL) | 501(c)(3) | Columbia, SC | ||
9 | Baylor School | 501(c)(3) | Chattanooga, TN | ||
10 | Meeting Street Schools (MSS) | 501(c)(3) | Charleston, SC | ||
... | and 303 more Elliott Davis Decosimo LLCPLLC not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ |
Competitors to Elliott Davis Decosimo LLCPLLC in the nonprofit sector include Ribis Jones and Maresca PA, Galusha Higgins and Galusha PC, Saxbst LLP, Mcenerney Brady and Company LLC, Melanson Heath and Company PC, Brooks Mcginnis and Company LLC, Yh Advisors Inc, Anton Collins Mitchell LLP, Hertzbach and Company PA, and Squar Milner LLP.
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