Cause IQ vendor profile


Giveffect is a company that provides fundraising software to nonprofit customers. They primarily provide their products regionally, with most customers in California and Michigan (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Giveffect customers are community housing services, child and youth services, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $1.6 million to $26 million.

Primary location:
San Francisco, CA
All locations:
Identified customers:
Avg customer size:
$9.0 mil revenue
Median customer size:
$2.2 mil revenue

Giveffect customer list

1Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas (LANWT)501(c)(3)Fort Worth, TX
2Living Well Disability Services501(c)(3)Mendota Heights, MN
3Neighborhood Service Organization501(c)(3)Detroit, MI
4Boys and Girls Clubs of the Los Angeles Harbor501(c)(3)San Pedro, CA
5Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio501(c)(3)Cleveland, OH
6Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles (BBBSLA)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
7Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind501(c)(3)Washington, DC
8Food Bank of Eastern Michigan501(c)(3)Flint, MI
9Louisiana Organ Procurement Agency (LOPA)501(c)(3)Covington, LA
10Korean American Family Services (KFAM)501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
...and 51 more Giveffect not-for-profit tax-exempt customers identified by Cause IQ

Giveffect competitors

Competitors to Giveffect in the nonprofit sector include Engaging Networks, Onecause, DonorDrive, Salsa Labs, CrowdRise, Classy, NGP Van Inc, DonorPerfect, Mobilecause Inc, and Cvent Inc.

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