Cause IQ vendor profile

Jeroyaf Accounting Group

Jeroyaf Accounting Group is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Colorado (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Jeroyaf Accounting Group clients are religious organizations, grantmaking foundations, and residential intellectual and developmental disability facilities with revenues ranging from $13,737 to $151,148.

Primary location:
Aurora, CO
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$92 thou revenue
Median client size:
$22 thou revenue

Jeroyaf Accounting Group client list

1Vital Choice501(c)(3)Denver, CO
2Sozo SSS International501(c)(3)Aurora, CO
3Emmanuel Stem International501(c)(3)Aurora, CO
4Esther House / Aicha Fofana Gen PTR501(c)(3)Aurora, CO
5African Chamber of Commerce Colorado USA501(c)(3)Denver, CO
6Topcare Solutions501(c)(3)Aurora, CO
7Omega Home Health501(c)(3)Denver, CO
8African Youth Advocate501(c)(3)Aurora, CO
9Calvary Methodist Church - Ghana501(c)(3)Aurora, CO
10Messie Ministry International501(c)(3)Aurora, CO
...and 58 more Jeroyaf Accounting Group not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Jeroyaf Accounting Group competitors

Competitors to Jeroyaf Accounting Group in the nonprofit sector include Sielschott Walsh Keifer and Regula CPAs Inc, Grand Lodge Of California, Williams and Ribb LLP CPA's, KK Mehta CPA Associates PLLC, Wulstein Financial Services, Mytaxfiler, Labarr and Labarr LLC, Barbera and Barbera CPAs, The Colony Group LLC, and Carlson and Associates CPAs Inc.

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