Cause IQ vendor profile

Kcoe Isom LLP

Kcoe Isom LLP is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Montana, California, and Kansas (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Kcoe Isom LLP clients are environment, conservation, and wildlife organizations, civic and social organizations, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $210,589 to $6.0 million.

Previous legal names, trade names, or just variations of their name include: Kcoe Isom LLC; and Kcoe Isom.

Primary location:
Chico, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$6.4 mil revenue
Median client size:
$371 thou revenue

Kcoe Isom LLP client list

1Educational Media Foundation / K-Love Radio501(c)(3)Rocklin, CA
2University Enterprises Incorporated501(c)(3)Sacramento, CA
3Carroll College501(c)(3)Helena, MT
4Neighborworks Montana501(c)(3)Great Falls, MT
5Valeo Behavioral Health Care501(c)(3)Topeka, KS
6Saint Francis Ministries501(c)(3)Salina, KS
7Prickly Pear Land Trust (PPLT)501(c)(3)Helena, MT
8National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT)501(c)(3)Butte, MT
9Adventure Cycling Association501(c)(3)Missoula, MT
10Montana Legal Services Association501(c)(3)Helena, MT
...and 201 more Kcoe Isom LLP not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Kcoe Isom LLP competitors

Competitors to Kcoe Isom LLP in the nonprofit sector include Berger Lewis Accountancy Corporation, SS&G Inc, Efp Rotenberg LLP, Spire Group PC, Berberich Trahan and Co PA, Mueller Prost LC, Briggs and Veselka Company, Blum Shapiro and Company PC CPA's, Friedman LLP, and Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP.

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