Cause IQ vendor profile

Siemens Industry Inc

Siemens Industry Inc is a company that provides IT and computer services to nonprofit customers. They primarily provide their products regionally, with most customers in California, Maryland, and North Carolina (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Siemens Industry Inc customers are electric power generation, transmission, and distribution establishments, colleges, universities, and professional schools, community housing services, museums, historical sites, and similar institutions, real estate services, professional and management development training, and inpatient nursing, hospice, and rehabilitative care facilities with revenues ranging from $9.7 million to $227 million.

Primary location:
Carol Stream, IL
All locations:
Identified customers:
Avg customer size:
$99 mil revenue
Median customer size:
$55 mil revenue

Siemens Industry Inc customer list

1California Independent System Operator (CAISO)501(c)(3)Folsom, CA
2Spelman College501(c)(3)Atlanta, GA
3Trustees of Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund501(c)(3)New York, NY
4Autry Museum of the American West501(c)(3)Los Angeles, CA
5ISO New England (ISO-NE)501(c)(3)Holyoke, MA
6Benedict College501(c)(3)Columbia, SC
7Shenandoah Valley Westminster Canterbury501(c)(3)Winchester, VA
8Museum of Us501(c)(3)San Diego, CA
9Atu Training and Education Center501(c)(3)Silver Spring, MD
10Plateau Electric Cooperative501(c)(12)Oneida, TN
...and 3 more Siemens Industry Inc not-for-profit tax-exempt customers identified by Cause IQ

Siemens Industry Inc competitors

Competitors to Siemens Industry Inc in the nonprofit sector include Innovative Software Solutions, Robert Half International Inc, Alight Solutions LLC, NCS Pearson Inc, Eclinicalworks, Microsoft Corporation, Westfall Group, Athenahealth, Teksystems, and Ellucian Company LP.

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