Cause IQ vendor profile

Wang Accountancy Corporation

Wang Accountancy Corporation is a firm that provides tax accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in California (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Wang Accountancy Corporation clients are civic and social organizations, religious organizations, musical groups and artists, and grantmaking foundations with revenues ranging from $23,290 to $1.6 million.

Primary location:
San Jose, CA
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$444 thou revenue
Median client size:
$50 thou revenue

Wang Accountancy Corporation client list

1Better Business Bureau of Los Angeles and Silicon Valley501(c)(6)San Jose, CA
2Live in Peace501(c)(3)East Palo Alto, CA
3Hoi-Quan Cuu Long Mekong Community Center501(c)(3)San Jose, CA
4Streetcode Academy501(c)(3)East Palo Alto, CA
5The Soar Foundation501(c)(3)Fremont, CA
6Christian Witness Theological Seminary501(c)(3)San Jose, CA
7Minorities for Christ International501(c)(3)Ripon, CA
8Redwood City Improvement Association501(c)(3)Redwood City, CA
9Mythical Lotus Foundation501(c)(3)San Jose, CA
10Peng Education and Welfare Foundation501(c)(3)San Jose, CA
...and 53 more Wang Accountancy Corporation not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Wang Accountancy Corporation competitors

Competitors to Wang Accountancy Corporation in the nonprofit sector include Bgcko LLP, Nonprofits Assistance Fund, Pricewaterhouseccopers LLP, JPMS Cox PLLC, Couch and Russell Financial Group, BWTP PC, CPA Group Of Laramie LLC, FD Thompson and Co PLC, Raich Ende Malter and Co LLP, and Clay Millias and Co LLP.

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