Cause IQ vendor profile

Zupka and Associates

Zupka and Associates is a firm that provides tax accounting and audit accounting to nonprofit clients. They primarily provide their services regionally, with most clients in Ohio (although they are present in other states as well).

Most Zupka and Associates clients are elementary and secondary schools and community housing services with revenues ranging from $2.3 million to $9.2 million.

Primary location:
Seven Hills, OH
All locations:
Identified clients:
Avg client size:
$3.9 mil revenue
Median client size:
$3.5 mil revenue

Zupka and Associates client list

1Citizens Leadership Academy East501(c)(3)Cleveland, OH
2E Prep and Village Prep501(c)(3)Cleveland, OH
3Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills Campus501(c)(3)Cleveland, OH
4Citizens Academy Southeast501(c)(3)Cleveland, OH
5Village Preparatory School III501(c)(3)Cleveland, OH
6Citizens Leadership Academy (CLA)501(c)(3)Cleveland, OH
7Cincinnati College Preparatory Academy501(c)(3)Cincinnati, OH
8Imagine School501(c)(3)Dayton, OH
9Zenith Academy501(c)(3)Columbus, OH
10Columbus Preparatory Academy501(c)(3)Fairlawn, OH
...and 64 more Zupka and Associates not-for-profit tax-exempt clients identified by Cause IQ

Zupka and Associates competitors

Competitors to Zupka and Associates in the nonprofit sector include Toal Griffith and Ayers LLC, Drolet and Associates PLLC, Averett Warmus Durkee PA, Frasier Dean and Howard PLLC, Brad Borbidge PA, Padgett Stratemann and Co LLP, Cole and Reed PC, Halt Buzas and Powell Ltd, Kohn and Company LLP, and Lattimore Black Morgan and Cain PC.

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