Web-based tools and information to help you grow your nonprofit or company serving nonprofit clients

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BDO logo
PNP Staffing Group logo
Conquer Cancer Foundation logo
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Higher Logic logo
Our product
Prospect for nonprofits

Find the right organizations to increase your funding or grow your nonprofit client base

Find organizations in a specific target market. Find funding to support your organization. Identify the key personnel at an organization. Export prospect information in a bulk report. Pull client lists of competitors and/or partners. Discover characteristics of qualified prospects. Learn more...
Research opportunities

Determine if an organization is a good fit for your company's or nonprofit's needs

See if an organization is in your target market. See foundations grantmaking activity. Understand interactions with vendors and service providers. Understand organizational mission and structure. Research an organization's trends and operations. Determine if an organization has a sufficient budget. Learn more...
Benchmark clients

Compare an organization's financial and descriptive information to its peers

Compare organizations to their peers. Answer client questions on industry trends. Analyze executive compensation. Analyze pricing of vendor services. Learn more...
Enrich information

Augment and make better use of existing spreadsheets, lists, and CRM records

Identify whitespace opportunities. Stay up-to-date on personnel and organizations. Make attendee lists more actionable. Fill in missing record information. Learn more...
Our information

Cause IQ collects, cleans, and analyzes data from over a dozen sources

Explore Organizations

Foundations, trade associations, cultural institutions, and charities

Explore People

Key personnel and board members, often including contact information

Explore Vendors

Accounting, financial, consulting, and IT firm profiles and client lists

Our customers

Accounting firms like BDO, Raffa, and Wegner CPAs use Cause IQ to identify whitespace opportunities, help prepare proposals, and provide benchmark insights to clients. Learn more...

Nonprofits like Vivent Health, Independent Sector, and American Red Cross use Cause IQ to find foundations that fund specific types of organizations, and know which foundations fund which nonprofits. Learn more...

Technology companies like WealthEngine, Fonteva, and Hustle use Cause IQ to find target market organizations, qualify inbound leads, and enrich records in their CRMs. Learn more...

Consulting firms like Charity Dynamics, PNP Staffing Group, and CauseLabs use Cause IQ to identify specific market segments, gain insights for client services, and maintain internal CRM data quality. Learn more...

Financial services firms like UBS, Glenmede, and Raffa Wealth Management use Cause IQ to identify nonprofits by investable asset characteristics, generate reports on target markets, and provide client insights. Learn more...

Fundraising companies like The Orr Group, DCM, and Aly Sterling Philanthropy use Cause IQ to identify specific types of organizations by mission and fundraising characteristics. Learn more...

Other providers like Independent Sector; the State of New York; and West, Lane & Schlager use Cause IQ to gain insight into nonprofit trends, identify organizations with specific characteristics, and research specific organizations. Learn more...

Try out Cause IQ

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Research the competition

Check out your competition or strategic partners, including accounting firms, tech companies, financial advisers, consulting firms, fundraising companies, and management companies. Or see all types of vendors available.

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Why Cause IQ?

Our information and tools are specifically built for businesses with nonprofit clients

Better data

We have up-to-date key personnel information, grant details, contact information, client lists of many vendors, and segment-specific data sources. Learn more...

Purpose-built tools

Our tools help companies and nonprofits save time and money by making tasks effortless that previously took days or weeks to do. Learn more...


Cause IQ plays well with the tools you depend on, including direct Salesforce integration for creating and enriching CRM information. Learn more...

"I would highly recommend Cause IQ to anyone that needs information on a massive sector-wide scale down to the individual level... Most importantly I have to commend the excellent customer service and support from the Cause IQ team."

Samuel Carpenter, Sales Team Manager, BIS Global -- Home of CharityEngine
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